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Custard apple during pregnancy uses and benefits

Sitaphal is also known as Sharifa. Its taste is different from other fruits. If you have eaten Sitaphal (custard apple) then you must be knowing about its taste. Even though Sitaphal seems a bit rough when seen from outside, but the inside part is white in colour and soft. Custard apple during pregnancy is very sweet and tasty fruit. Because of its appearance and taste, Sitaphal (custard apple) becomes a little special from all other fruits.

Custard apple is very delicious to eat but is also beneficial for health. This fruit which looks hard from outside. And is very soft from inside, which is very tasty and sweet. Custard apple has a cooling effect, and also gives to us energy. It contains many nutrients due to which there are benefits of eating Custard apple. We are telling you about it below.

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Nutrients in custard apple

Many nutrients are contain custard apple. Minerals like calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin are found in abundance in custard apple. Also in this, vitamin-A, vitamin-C, vitamin-B1, vitamin-B2, vitamin-B3, vitamin-B6, vitamin-B12 are found in custard apple. Apart from this, anti-oxidant, anti-malarial, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-pyretic properties are found in custard apple. Due to so many properties and nutrients found in custard apple, it provides many benefits.

  • Calcium 30 mg
  • Protein 1.7 g
  • Iron 0.71 mg
  • Sodium 4 mg
  • Carbohydrate 25.2 g
  • Niacin 0.5 mg
  • Energy 101 kcal
  • Methionine 0.004 g
  • Total fat 0.6 g
  • Tryptophan 0.007 g
  • Vitamin A, B, C, B1, B2, B6, B12
  • Thiamine 0.08 mg
  • Dietary fiber 2.4 g

What is custard apple and custard apple during pregnancy

Custard apple is also known as sitaphal. Custard apple fruit a rounded shape fruit. The inside part of the fruit is fleshy or pulpy. Seeds of custard apple are smooth, shiny, and brown-black in colour. When custard apple is raw, it is slightly yellow and green in colour. It is a delicious fruit just like mango fruits, which people eat with great pleasure. Sitaphal is used to cure Kapha dosha, to increase blood volume, to get relief from vomiting and toothache. Apart from this it is also used in other diseases.

Custard apple during pregnancy 10 benefits

So far you have come to know what Custard Apple is, by what names it is called in the whole world and how important is it for you. Now let us know for which diseases Custard Apple can be used as a medicine? Custard apple during pregnancy.

1- For healthy skin and hair

Custard apple should be consumed daily to brighten the skin. Because vitamin-C is found in custard apple. Also, vitamin-C can help protect the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

2- Reduce cholesterol

You can use custard apple seeds to keep the cholesterol level balanced. Actually, niacin vitamin is found in it. Consumption of niacin vitamin can help people in protecting from heart disease, stroke and heart attack by balancing the cholesterol level.

3- Beneficial in custard apple during pregnancy

The benefits of the nutrients present in custard apple can be seen even in the state of pregnancy. Actually, iron and folate are found in custard apple. These nutrients prevent anemia during pregnancy and protect the mother from neural tube defects.

4- Helpful in heart disease

Fiber is found in custard apple which is effective in reducing cholesterol and it also helps in reduce heart disease.

People suffering from diabetes can also consume it because it is neither too sweet nor tasteless. But they should not consume it in excess. If it is being consumed, then consult a doctor and do not consume the fruit directly. Sugar level can be reduced by extracting juice from its leaves.

5- Helpful in providing energy

Glucose level does not increase by eating it but it provides a lot of energy. If someone needs energy then it can be consumed. It contains fructose and glucose which converts into energy very quickly. It contains iron which does not cause anemia and also reduces weakness and leather. 100 grams of custard apple contains about 101 kilocalories of energy.

6- Beneficial in brain activity

It is very beneficial in brain activity. It contains vitamin E which improves brain function. If we eat this fruit, it also increases the ability of nerves to transmit information, which keeps the brain balanced.

7- Beneficial in depression

It is also effective in reducing depression because eating this fruit keeps the brain activities balanced. Custard apple during pregnancy

8- Increase eye sight

It contains a very good amount of vitamin A. Along with this, it keeps the nerves healthy and increases blood circulation the eyes. The amount of vitamin A custard apple is 33 IU.

9- Improves digestion

It contains many things that keep our digestive system healthy. It contains vitamin B and fibre which prevents constipation. Custard apple during pregnancy

10- Helpful in healing wounds

Its leaves can be used on pimples on the face or on any wound because it acts like an antioxidant. It has anti-ageing properties which help in healing wounds quickly.

How to use custard apple

  • Juice of custard apple is extracted which is good to drink and provides energy easily.
  • Juice can be extracted from its leaves and pulp which can be used for hair and can also be applied on boils.
  • Sweets can also be made from it and consumed. Custard apple during pregnancy

Side effects of custard apple

When you use Custard Apple to get rid of lice, be very careful that it does not go into your eyes. If it enters your eyes, it can damage your eyes.

Where grown custard apple

Custard apple (sitaphal fruit) is an easily available fruit, so it is easily available in fruit shops. Custard apple is cultivated in India mainly in Orissa, Madhya Pradesh. Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Assam. Custard apple is found up to a height of 900 meters label of sea.

FAQs about custard apple
Q1- Which disease is cured by eating custard apple?

Answer:- Sitaphal contains abundant amount of iron and folate which cures weakness and anemia from the body.

Q2- Should Sitaphal be eaten everyday?

Answer:- You can eat Sitaphal everyday but don’t eat it in excess, and consume it only in the morning and afternoon.

Q3- Should Sitaphal be eaten during fever?

Answer:- If you have cold and fever then don’t eat Sitaphal at that time.

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