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Bitter gourd plant crop grow benefits and side effects

Bitter gourd is one of the popular vegetable. Its fruit has been used as a vegetable for thousands of years. It is widely spread in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is called ‘bitter melon’ or Bitter gourd plant. Because the whole plant including the natural product tastes extremely bitter. This crop has anti-diabetic and anti-cancer properties. This crop is becoming a crop of increasing demand due to its high nutritional and medicinal properties. Bitter gourd cultivation is done from January to February month. While rainy season crop is sown in May month.

In the mountains, seeds are sown from April to July. For one hectare area, 4-5 kg ​​of seeds are required. Before sowing, the seeds are treated with thiram (3 g/kg seed). Germination takes longer at low temperature. Seed germination is best at 25 – 35 °C. 4 seeds are sown per pit and 2-3 plants are saved per pit for later. For bitter gourd cultivation the land is ploughed and well levelled by giving 1-2 lateral ploughings. The fields are kept open. Dig the field upto 30 cm depth and create fine soil structure with small particles.

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How cultivate bitter gourd plant

First of all, while preparing the field, put cow dung manure in the field. After this, plow the field well with the help of cultivator and make the soil friable. After this, level the soil by using a labler. Make drains in the field before sowing bitter gourd plant seeds. These drains are made on both sides of the field. Take special care that there is no waterlogging in the field. About 600 grams of seeds are required for sowing bitter gourd in one acre.

Bitter gourd seeds should be sown at a depth of 2 to 3 inches. At the same time, the distance from the drain to the drain should be about 2 meters. And the distance from the plant to the plant should be 70 centimeters. After the vine comes out, climb it on the scaffolding properly. It is appropriate to use the net method for bitter gourd cultivation. This is considered to be the best method of bitter gourd production. The special thing is that more yield can be obtained by cultivating bitter gourd with this method.

In the net method, bitter gourd vines are spread by making a net across the entire field. The biggest advantage of this method is that animals cannot destroy the crop and secondly, this vegetable spreads well in the net so that the empty space in the beds below can be used to grow vegetables like coriander and fenugreek. In such a situation, farmers can grow two other types of vegetables along with bitter gourd and get good profit from it.

Irrigation system in bitter gourd crop

If bitter gourd plant is sown in rainy season, then less irrigation is sufficient. But in summer, it must be irrigated from time to time. While irrigating, care should be taken that there is no stagnation of water in the field. Drains should be made in the field in such a way that moisture remains in the soil but there is no stagnation of water in the field.

Bitter gourd plant disease

There is always a risk of many types of diseases. And pests affecting the bitter gourd crop. It is mainly affected by carrot, red beetle and aphid disease. For this, pesticides or chemical fertilizers should be used. After taking advice from an agricultural expert.

14 Benefits of bitter gourd eat

Bitter gourd rich in protein, carbohydrates and fiber. Also rich in minerals. Potassium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, manganese are found in it. Apart from this, vitamin C and vitamin A are found in abundance in it. Consumption of bitter gourd juice and vegetable is beneficial in many diseases. Like digestive problems, lack of appetite, stomach ache, fever and eye diseases. Consumption of bitter gourd plant is also said to be beneficial in vaginal or uterine diseases, leprosy and other diseases. Bitter gourd removes weakness. Apart from this, it is beneficial in stomach irritation, phlegm, respiratory disorders. Bitter gourd is also beneficial in irritability, gonorrhea, diabetes, piles, etc. Bitter gourd seeds are used in diseases related to wounds, food pipe, spleen disorders, and liver.

1- Beneficial for skin disease

By rubbing bitter gourd leaves on a stone and making chutney out of it and applying it as a paste. It cure your skin diseases. It also provides relief from wounds caused by burning. The bitters and alkaloid elements present in it act as blood purifiers. Eating bitter gourd vegetable and applying the paste on affected area before sleeping at night. It’s prevents boils, pimples and skin diseases. It is beneficial to drink bitter gourd juice mixed with lemon juice in skin diseases like ringworm, itching, psoriasis etc.

2- Relief from joint pain

Eating bitter gourd vegetable and massaging the painful area with bitter gourd leaf juice. It provides relief in arthritis or joint pain.

3- Beneficial in vomiting and diarrhea

Grating three bitter gourd plant seeds and three black peppers and mixing them with water. and drinking it stops vomiting and diarrhea. Patients of acidity can complain of vomiting before meals. Roasting bitter gourd leaves and adding rock salt to it is beneficial.

4- Use bitter gourd to weight loss

Consuming bitter gourd juice mixed with one lemon juice in the morning. It reduces toxins and unnecessary fats which produced in the body and removes obesity.

5- Beneficial for stone patients

Stone patients get relief by drinking two bitter gourd juices and eating bitter gourd vegetable. This dissolves the stones and they come out. Mixing a little asafoetida in 50 ml juice of its leaves and drinking. It helps in passing urine freely.

6- Relief in cholera

It is beneficial in cholera. Onion juice and a few drops of lemon juice mixed in bitter gourd plant juice and drinks. It’s beneficial for a cholera patient.

7- Gives relief in bleeding piles

Drinking juice of bitter gourd and leaves mixed with one teaspoon of sugar. Bitter gourd can gives relief in bleeding piles.

8- Beneficial in blisters

If you have blisters in your mouth, gargling with bitter gourd juice. It is beneficial in blisters.

9- Provides relief from night blindness

Mix ground black pepper well in bitter gourd juice. Applying this paste on the outer part of the eyes it cures night blindness.

10- Beneficial in international worms

Mixing one tablespoon of bitter gourd plant leaf juice in a glass of buttermilk drink it. you can get rid of stomach worms due to drinking it.

11- Effective in jaundice

Bitter gourd juice extracted by grinding bitter gourd. Should be given twice a day. Also It is beneficial to grind raw bitter gourd and eat it in jaundice.

12- Provides relief in asthma

Mixing two spoons of bitter gourd juice, basil leaf juice and honey in a cup of water. And drinking it at night before sleeping. It provides relief in diseases like asthma and bronchitis.

13- Cure diabetes

Bitter gourd works as a panacea for diabetes. Bitter gourd helps in reducing the sugar level in the body. Which is beneficial in diabetes. Dry the pieces of bitter gourd in the shade and grind them to make a fine powder. Consuming one teaspoon of powder with water every morning on an empty stomach is beneficial. It is beneficial to mix 6 grams of basil leaves juice in 10 grams of bitter gourd juice and drink it every morning on an empty stomach.

14- Beneficial in cancer

The minerals and vitamins present in bitter gourd plant. It increase the immunity in the body, which can also fight diseases like cancer. Regular use of bitter gourd prevents the growth of pancreatic cancer. Glucose metabolism affects cancer cells and protects the body.

Side effects of bitter gourd

Consuming bitter gourd in large quantity can cause stomach pain and diarrhea. Consume pregnant women after consulting a Dietitian. If such a problem is occurring then it is good to feed rice and ghee.

Bitter gourd plant main ingredient

Many types of vitamins and minerals are naturally found in bitter gourd. Which are Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Folate, Lycopene, Niacin, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Copper, Zinc and Water. All these vitamins and minerals are present in bitter gourd and improve the metabolism of the body.

Amount of nutrients present in 100 grams of bitter gourd juice.


  • Energy 17 calories
  • Riboflavin 0.040 mg
  • Carbohydrate 3.70 grams
  • Thiamine 0.040 mg
  • Protein 1 gram
  • Sodium 5 mg
  • Water 94.03 g
  • Carbohydrate 3.7 g
  • Energy  17 calories
  • Fiber 2.8 g
  • Total lipid (fat) 0.17 g


  • Calcium 19 mg
  • Magnesium 17 mg
  • Potassium 296 mg
  • Zinc 0.8 mg
  • Copper 0.034 mg
  • Phosphorus 31 mg
  • Iron 0.43 mg
  • Selenium 0.2 μg
  • Manganese 0.089 mg
  • Sodium 5 mg


  • Vitamin C 84 mg
  • Vitamin B6 0.043 mg
  • Niacin 0.4 mg
  • Riboflavin 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin A, IU 471 IU
  • Thiamine 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin A RAE 24 mcg
  • Folate 72 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid 0.212 mg
  • Lutein + Zeaxanthin 170 mcg
  • Carotene, beta 190 mcg
  • Carotene, alpha 185 mcg
Bitter gourd related FAQs
Q1- In how many days does bitter gourd bear fruit?

Ans. It is very important for the bitter gourd plant to get 6 to 8 hours of sunlight. After about 55 to 60 days of sowing bitter gourd seeds in the pot, the plants will start bearing fruits.

Q2- Which is the best fertilizer for bitter gourd?

Ans. Proper fertilizer management is important for optimum yield of bitter gourd. The use of 50% poultry manure + 50% NPK increased the length, diameter, weight, number and yield of bitter gourd fruits. Integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers to increases the growth. And yield potential of bitter gourd plants.

Q3- When to irrigate bitter gourd crop?

Ans. Water the bitter gourd vine as needed in summer or every alternate day. In the winter Irrigation of bitter gourd crop is done after every 8-10 days.

Q4- How much production is obtained from bitter gourd crop?

Ans. A good yield of about 50-60 quintals can be obtained from 1 acre of bitter gourd crop.

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