Whenever we talk about fruits, the first name that comes to mind is apple. Be it worship or health, its presence can be found. Even when a child learns to recognize and speak letters, the first thing he says is A for Apple. Apple is such a fruit that is also found in fairy tales. So today in this article we will tell you about apple benefits of Apple nutrition per 100g. So let’s know the amazing uses and benefits of apple.
Apple is one of the most nutritional fruit. 7506 varieties of apple, available in the world. and each one is used differently. Red apples contain abundant antioxidants and this is why red apples are known as anti-aging fruits. Apart from this, yellow and green apples contain a lot of quercetin which helps in improving mental health. Apples also make the skin healthy, beautiful, soft and shiny. However, it is advisable not to consume apple seeds.
Apples contain good amount of anthocyanin and tannin. This fruit contains a lot of vitamins, fiber and other nutrients which have abundant medicinal properties. Eating apples reduces cholesterol and keeps the heart healthy. It also strengthens the teeth. Apples are also used to prevent cancer and control diabetes.
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Apple nutrition per 100g
- Calories 52 kcal
- Water 86%
- Protein 0.3 g
- Carbohydrates 13.8 g
- Sugar 10.4 g
- Fiber 2.4 g
- Fat 0.2 g
What is apple
Apple is a red or green coloured fruit, which is full of vitamins. In scientific language it is called ‘Melus domestica’. The apple tree is about 3 to 7 meters tall. Its bark is brown in colour. Its flowers are pink to white or blood coloured. Its fruits are fleshy and almost spherical. In its raw state, the apple is green in colour and sour in taste. When ripe, it is white in colour and sweet. The seeds of an apple are small, black in colour and shiny Apple nutrition per 100g.
Apple uses and benefits
There are many benefits of eating apples, Apple nutrition per 100g. Let’s know further what are the benefits of eating apples.
1- Beneficial in constipation
Apples are a good source of dietary fiber, especially for the skin. Fiber promotes healthy digestion, aids in weight management and helps maintain blood sugar levels.
2- Improve eye sight
Antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C and vitamin B are found in apple. Its regular use helps in the problem of poor night vision. Not only this, apple also prevents other eye problems like cataract, glaucoma etc. Eye diseases are cured by grinding and cooking apple and applying it on the eyes.
3- Treat your cough
xtract 1 glass of apple juice. Add sugar candy to it and drink it in the morning. It is beneficial in dry cough. It is also beneficial in the problem of fainting. To get full benefit from dry cough, one should eat ripe sweet apples daily.
4- Beneficial in skin disease
Skin diseases are cured by grinding apple leaves and applying the paste. Grind the root of the apple tree and apply it on the affected area like ringworm and itching. It is beneficial.
Apple not only cures skin diseases, but also works as an excellent face pack for the skin. Ask an Ayurvedic expert for information on using it as a face pack.
5- Cure dysentery
Drinking apple syrup mixed with a decoction made from poppy seeds is beneficial in bloody dysentery. The benefits of eating apples, it proves very useful in stomach related problems.
6- Teeth and gum problem
Chewing an apple increases saliva production, which besides cleaning the mouth, also prevents the growth of bacteria. Eating apples in this way keeps your teeth and gums healthy. Eating apples can prevent oral diseases to some extent.
7- Fight cancer
According to a research, consuming apple daily helps in keeping away the symptoms of cancer because according to a research, anti-cancer properties are found in apple.
8- Weight loss
Medicinal and fibre properties of apple are beneficial in weight loss Consuming apple can help in reducing your weight because apple is known as a hypo calorie diet.
9- Reduce cholesterol
Consuming apple can help you in controlling cholesterol. Due to the presence of fiber in it, it does not allow cholesterol to accumulate in the body.
10- Increase memory power
Eating apple jam strengthens the brain and heart. Apple helps in making the brain cells healthy. For students, apple is an easy source to increase memory and brain power.
How add apple in breakfast
Many dishes can be made from Apple nutrition per 100g. You can consume apples by making different types dishes.
Apple wheat muffins for breakfast- If you want to eat something sweet early in the morning. Then eat apple wheat muffins. You will like this delicious mixture of sea salt, ginger, yogurt, and cinnamon.
Apple tuna salad for lunch- If you are bored with the everyday salad, then make a salad with apple pieces and tuna.
Chicken and apple pasta salad for dinner– Chicken and apple may sound like a strange pairing, but they go well together.
Dessert– Apples can be eaten as desserts such as apple halwa.
Iced Apple Tea– Mix some hot water, a few tea bags, a cup of fresh apple juice and 1-2 drops of lemon. A delicious and low-calorie drink will be ready.
Apples are very nutritious and delicious sweet fruit. Its overall a balance diet. It contain low calories, high in fiber, rich in antioxidants and a range of vitamins and minerals. Those providing a number of health benefits. So you can enjoy a healthy and balanced lifestyle with apple fruit.
FAQs about apple fruit
Ans. Apple peels has soluble and insoluble fiber, which treat constipation when you eaten daily. Also, inluble fiber reduce cholesterol and makes you strength for a more time. So you can eat apples with the peel.
Ans. Those Antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C and vitamin B are found in apple. Its regular use helps in the problem of poor night vision.
Ans. Anti-cancer properties are found in apple. So consuming of apple can reduce symptoms of cancer.