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How to eat hazelnuts nutrition benefits and side effects

You must have consumed dry fruits or nuts. There is another fruit similar to these or in other words, a type of nut which is often eaten. This is none other than hazelnut. How to eat hazelnuts with a mild sweet taste is light brown and white in color. It is rich in many types of nutrients. It is a very good source of vitamin E and antioxidants.

Along with being rich in nutrients, we get to see the benefits of eating hazelnut in many diseases. By consuming it, we can keep our heart healthy and also reduce our sugar level. Apart from this, it is also beneficial for our bones. So let’s know about hazelnut and its nutritional benefits.

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Hazelnuts main ingredient

The nutrients found in How to eat hazelnuts are found in different proportions. Their details are given in the table below-

Proportion of nutrients found (per 100 grams)

  • Calories 625 calories
  • Carbohydrates 15.7 grams
  • Fiber 9.4 grams
  • Sugar 4.34 grams
  • Protein 14.95 grams
  • Fat 58.45 grams
  • Vitamin C 6 milligrams
  • Vitamin A 20 international units
  • Potassium 670 milligrams
  • Calcium 112 milligrams
  • Iron 4.4 milligrams
  • Magnesium 167 milligrams
  • Phosphorus 290 milligrams
  • Zinc 2.45 milligrams
  • Folate 115 micrograms
  • Niacin 1.8 milligrams
  • Riboflavin 0.113 milligrams
  • Thiamine 0.643 milligrams
  • Vitamin E 15 milligrams
  • Vitamin K 13.8 micrograms
  • Copper 1.72 milligrams
  • Manganese 6.17 milligrams
  • Beta carotene 11 Micrograms

What is hazelnuts (How to eat hazelnuts)

Hazelnut is a natural, it’s other name is cobnut or filbert nut. Its botanical name is Corylus, which comes from the Birch family. It is light brown in color. It is mostly grown in Turkey, Italy, Spain and America. Hazelnut is consumed raw, roasted or by making a paste and it tastes sweet. Like other nuts, hazelnut has good amount of protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. Hazelnut is also used to reduce cholesterol and as an anti-oxidant.

Hazelnuts uses and benefits, How to eat hazelnuts

Now you Reed that How to eat hazelnuts are rich in many types of healthy elements. Hujelnuts can also be very beneficial for people suffering from diabetes, heart disease and obesity. You can also eat hazelnuts by including them in breakfast or salad. Most people also use it in various dishes.

1- Low risk of Heart disease

Almost all nuts are beneficial in curing heart diseases. Hazelnuts are also rich in many such properties which can be very effective in heart diseases. Hazelnuts are rich in antioxidants and good fats which can increase antioxidant capacity and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the our blood to a great extent. A study done on this showed very pleasant results.

In a one-month study, 21 people were included who had high cholesterol levels in their body. During this time, these people were asked to take 18 to 20 percent of their total calories from hazelnuts. As a result, within a month, the amount of cholesterol of these people was reduced significantly. The participants also experienced a significant improvement in artery health and inflammation markers during this time.

2- Reduce cancer growth

Hazelnut stops the gain of cancer cells. It helps in calming down the harmful cells present in the our body. Beta-sitosterol found in hujelnuts who reduces the risk of breast and prostate cancer. The enough amount of manganese in it protects the body from cancer for a long time. The alpha-tocopherol in hazelnut reduces the risk of bladder cancer by almost half.

3- Strengthens muscles and bones

Due to the abundance of magnesium in it, bones become strong. The amount of calcium also strengthens the body. Due to the proper amount of calcium, it helps in relieving stress, pain, cramps and fatigue. Bones become strong due to manganese. It also increases bone mineral density and fights osteoporosis.

4- Control high blood pressure

These days many people are struggling with the problem of BP. This problem has become common now days. In such a situation, this nut is also excellent in controlling high blood pressure. You can control your high blood pressure by including hazelnuts in your diet. Because hazelnuts are low in fat and have a good amount of magnesium, potassium and fiber. This controls blood pressure.

5- Relief from anemia

Hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E, so it is very beneficial in preventing anemia. Vitamin E prevents the disintegration of red blood cells. It also reduces the risk of anemia. Not only this, hazelnuts are also excellent in curing the problem of blood deficiency in the body. It contains iron, protein and potassium, which are helpful in removing blood deficiency in the body.

6- Control diabetes

Yes, it is true that hazelnuts are very sweet, but this sweetness does not help in increasing sugar, but helps in controlling it. Doctors recommend that sugar patients should consume it. Especially doctors advise type two diabetic patients to definitely eat this nut as a snack. It contains a good amount of dietary fiber, which also helps you in not feeling hungry. These nuts increase HDL level. Also controls cholesterol level.

7- Increase immunity

This nut is also beneficial in increasing the immunity of the body. It contains high amounts of phenolic compounds and its antioxidant properties protect it from infections and also reduce the risk of serious diseases.

8- Improve fertility

Hazelnuts also help in improving fertility in women. It contains proteins, lipids and antioxidants, which are essential for increasing fertility. It also contains selenium, iron, zinc and calcium, which improve female fertility.

9- Healthy bowel movements

Hazelnuts are a good source of dietary fiber. Consuming more fiber keeps bowel movements healthy and relieves constipation.

10- Prevents cell damage

Hazelnuts contain antioxidants, which protect cells against oxidation. This can reduce cell damage from free radicals.

11- Keep cholesterol low

This How to eat hazelnuts is helpful in reducing cholesterol. According to a study, consuming a diet rich in hazelnuts helps in reducing bad cholesterol. Which keeps heart health good.

Beauty benefits of hazelnuts

The benefits of hazelnut are not only for health, but it also has many beauty benefits. Hujelnuts consumption keeps your skin glowing. Hujelnuts has a rich amount of Vitamin E, therefore it is beneficial for the skin in many ways. Along with this, Vitamin A and Vitamin C present in it are also excellent anti-oxidants. The vitamins contain in it reduce the wrinkles on the face. Not only this, your skin also remains moisturized and hydrated due to the Vitamin E present in it. This maintains many way the beauty of your skin.

Side effects of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts have many health benefits but along with this it also has some side effects. It is very important to know about them. Actually, it contains a lot of nutrients as well as minerals, in such a situation, if there is no proper information about the correct quantity and need, it can cause harm. Therefore, consume it only after taking medical advice.

FAQs about how to eat hazelnuts
Q1- Can I apply hazelnut pack for dry and damaged hair?

Ans. Add two eggs in hujelnuts powder and mix it well and then apply this mixture on the scalp and hair. After keeping it for 20 minutes, wash it with lukewarm water and shampoo. This provides good conditioning to the hair.

Q2- Does hazelnut also relieve constipation?

Ans. Yes, it definitely does. It contains good fibers, so it improves your digestion. Due to this, you get relief from problems like diarrhea and constipation.

Q3- How is hazelnut good for the nervous system?

Ans. It is good for the nervous system because it contains a good amount of vitamin B6. It also contains amino acids, which are considered very good. Due to deficiency of vitamin B6, many times problems related to the nervous system start occurring, which it removes. 

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